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Monthly Archives: November 2012
Advent in London
Is it time for some wintery London tips? It’s December tomorrow, apparently. And this week it’s felt properly cold, almost Christmassy. And just look at the difference two weeks can make in Spring Gardens.. Two weeks ago: And today: Not … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged Central London, Christmas, cinema, dressing up, theatre
National Portrait Gallery – 27/11/12
This was meant to be in the last post, but that one went on a little bit, didn’t it? Turns out there are a lot of hours to fill while Roo’s at nursery and E and I enjoy being Girls … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged art, Central London, rainy day places
London with a Tiddler
Yes, I’ve been hanging onto that post title for a long time. It was the brainchild of my friend Rufus’ Mum, who also invented the “Zoom zoom zoom” game. She’s a professional writer. You can tell, right? Reuben is now … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged baby, cinema, exercise, film, London, pubs, shopping
Experimental Sound Art with a Toddler
So, we’ve been in quarantine again this week. As you may have discerned from my last post, we’re struggling with things to do. Lucky then that we were invited to view a friend’s MA end -of-course Sound Art exhibition at … Continue reading
Chasing the ducky boat
So, I took a week off blogging as part of my social media holiday. I was considering a “wot I did on my holidays” post but it really was too dull for words. The short version is that Roo … Continue reading
A Social Media Holiday
No, not a fun, facebook-themed trip away, but rather a break from all social media. For a week. Reckon I can do it? Nah, me neither….but see you on the other side!
Posted in Uncategorized
An Evening in A&E
In my last post, I promised to tell you about what we did on our Friday night. We had a rocking family trip out. To A&E! I told you it was fun! So, Reuben fell off something at nursery. He … Continue reading
A post-baby social life
It’s Saturday Night. I’m blogging this from a groovy Soho bar, where I’m sipping cocktails so trendy that no-one has ever heard of them, and later I may shoot some tequila off David Tennant’s chest. I took that too far, … Continue reading
A Simple Guide to Bus Etiquette
Cause some people out there need it. I’ve touched on it before (here and here), but it seems like some of the 7 million Londoners are still unsure about it. Let’s go: 1) Whoever gets to the bus stop first … Continue reading