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Monthly Archives: April 2016
A Voter’s Guide to the London Mayoral Elections
Random underlinings, ill-advised hashtags, activists posing as voters – this booklet has it all. The booklet to which I’m referring is, of course, the Mayor of London’s official guide to his potential successors – a booklet where all the candidates … Continue reading
Q Pootle 5 – Pootle the Explorer
It’s been a while since the kids last sat down to a Q Pootle 5 DVD but when I mentioned the possibility to them, they responded with their usual enthusiasm for anythingBeebies (unless it’s Justin-related, obviously). I don’t think the … Continue reading
LWAT’s Guide to Tabby McTat
Listen up, Londoners…this is important stuff. I know this blog covers a wide variety of topics, from the trivial (politics) to the vital (sandpits) but this is one of the life-changing ones. I’m going to tell you where all the … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged animals, books, Central London, East London, music, North London, south bank, South London
Easter Fun at The View – 28/03/16
In the Great British Tradition, Easter weekend was largely a washout. As we were driving along Euston Rd in a hailstorm, an hour late for Easter Sunday service we never would have imagined that 24 hours later we’d be … Continue reading
Hackney to be Wiped Off Map Following Online Poll
The residents of Hackney have taken a unanimous decision to anonymise themselves after an online poll branded maps “conformist, facist and obvious”. The poll, on Instagram, asked locals whether they agreed that Hackney would be a better place “if no … Continue reading