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Monthly Archives: May 2022
“I Want My Hat Back” Trilogy at Little Angel Studios – 29/05/22
When she has a new game to play, it takes quite a lot to lure Eva out of her cave but a Little Angel show will do the trick. We were already in Islington for church but she seemed keen … Continue reading
Childfree in Sussex
After a long week, a childfree weekend in Sussex seems like a surreal dream. But I’m here to tell myself that it did happen. And – kick me now – I’ve got lots of ‘grammable content to share with you … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged child-free, ice-cream, outside London, seaside, swimming
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Legoland – 02/05/22
These kids’ birthdays seem to come around more swiftly every year. Last week it was Eva’s and she put in a request for a bank holiday trip to Legoland. Yup, that sounds un-stressful. As we set off at unearthly o’clock, … Continue reading