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Monthly Archives: July 2023
Oxygen Freejumping – 05/07/23
I’ve been blogging like a demon recently. Maybe because after a week of the school holidays my brain will be so sludgy that I can no longer form words beyond….”GIVEMECOFFFFFEEEEE”. But I have something to tell you about and, unlike … Continue reading
“Romeo and Juliet” by East London Shakespeare Festival – 22/07/23
Another week, another outdoor Shakespeare in the rain. Last week’s productions in Stratford-Upon-Avon did their best to rain on us and drown the actors’ voices out with howling winds but this week’s production really did bring on the tempest. We’re … Continue reading
A Shakespearean Jaunt Part 2 – 16/07/23
My powers of self-control are as good as ever and I managed to ramble on for a thousand words about just one day in Stratford-Upon-Avon. So I cut it off and here’s your Part 2. I know…you’ve been on tenterhooks. … Continue reading
A Shakespearean Jaunt Part 1 – 15/07/23
A few years ago I was reading “The Swish of the Curtain” to Eva and we both enjoyed the chapter where the Bishop takes the Blue Doors to Stratford Upon Avon and Maddie scandalises the dining room by telling everyone … Continue reading
Blur at Wembley – 09/07/23
It probably seems like everyone you know, who is of a certain age, went to see Blur at Wembley last week. Well, we did too. I’d had terrible FOMO when all my friends seem to be at Pulp the week … Continue reading