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Tag Archives: craft
Summer Holiday preview 2018
I don’t know why the school holidays always catch me by surprise but, once again, they have. The kids finish this week and I’m not allowed to hand them back over till September. If you’re in a similar position, you … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged art, Central London, craft, East London, festival, music, South London, summer, theatre
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May Mayhem
Yes, May is almost upon us, which means I have a very nearly 3-year-old. She’s been gearing up to be 3 for a long time, what with the constant questions and the whinge button stuck on, but this means I … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged art, cafe, Central London, coffee, craft, dancing, disco, East London, music, North London, South London, theatre
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Fireworks at Gunpowder Mills – 8/11/14
You might notice that it’s taken me three weeks to write up this little fireworks-fest and in fact, I’ve started writing about Christmas already so was tempted to leave it. But it was a good day out and deserving … Continue reading
Big Fish Little Fish Hackney – 21/09/14
So in a blogging fail to add to all my other blogging fails, I went to BFLF today with a thoroughly uncharged phone. So did Nathan. Net result was a complete lack of photos of this East London pirate extravaganza. … Continue reading