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Tag Archives: fireworks
Fireworks at Scout Park – 03/11/18
My posts about fireworks are inevitably vague and full of dark, fuzzy photos so I’m pleased to announce that this post is no different. But, unlike 2014, it doesn’t contain any references to explosive diarrhea so that’s a bonus. We’ve … Continue reading
Royal Gunpowder Mills – 04/11/17
Today we went to the Fireworks event at Royal Gunpowder Mills. Some of you may know why we haven’t been there for three years – our last visit ended somewhat disgustingly, with a toddler who was neither completely toilet … Continue reading
Fireworks at Gunpowder Mills – 8/11/14
You might notice that it’s taken me three weeks to write up this little fireworks-fest and in fact, I’ve started writing about Christmas already so was tempted to leave it. But it was a good day out and deserving … Continue reading
Some Fun Things to Do this Month
November is a bit of a dull month, isn’t it? It’s kinda the void before Christmas where you have to make your own fun, whether that’s growing a moustache or finding new and exciting places to throw up (Ah, the … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged cbeebies, Central London, dancing, fireworks, North London, outside London
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Crystal Park Children’s Fireworks – 05/11/13
Deciding which firework display to go to this year was somewhat of a tricky decision. As I explained to H’sMama the other day, I’m good at making snap decisions when it comes to huge life changes but little details? Not … Continue reading
Children’s fireworks in Corams Fields – 02/11/12
If I told you that the words “parenting genius” had been applied to this day out, would that be raising your expectations to an unmanageable level? If I told you that those same words had been used with a question … Continue reading