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Tag Archives: rants
When a Business Lives or Dies by its Facebook Reviews
We live in an era of People Power. The will of the people has decided that we’re leaving the European Union and that the most powerful country in the world is run by a misogynist narcissist with the attention … Continue reading
Reuben Writes to The American Police
In what might be a first for this blog, one of my children is providing the copy for this post. Partly because they’re readily available labour and I don’t need to pay them but also because this is something quite … Continue reading
“No System is Perfect” – IDS Speaks on Benefit Deaths….
Do you ever have bad days at work? Do you make mistakes? Well, we all do. No system is perfect and that’s exactly the expression Iain Duncan Smith used to describe his welfare system, which unfortunately makes the kinds of … Continue reading
35 Things I Thought I’d be Doing at 35
So, in a few days I celebrate my 35th birthday. It’s not one of the biggest birthdays, but it’s a handy midway point between 30 and 40 to sit and reflect on my life and the things I haven’t … Continue reading
Why Can’t Britain Just be British?
I don’t know about you but I’ve been getting some mixed messages from the Tory Party Conference. First there’s Jeremy Hunt telling a meeting that cutting tax credits was all in the interests of creating an Asian-style working culture. … Continue reading
10 Ways that Recruitment is the Perfect Practice for Parenthood
You may not know this about me but, immediately pre-Reuben, I used to be a recruitment consultant. It was fun for a while and – I realised while cooking dinner – just the perfect preparation for parenthood. I’ll explain: 1) … Continue reading
A Break-Up Letter
I hesitated for a long time about whether to make this public or not. After all, it’s no way to treat someone you’ve been with since the late 90s. But when that someone screws you over too many times, it’s … Continue reading
I’m Bored
That won’t surprise anyone who knows me. After all, I get bored easily. But I’m bored of something specific right now – and that’s tabloid articles about breastfeeding. The latest effort comes – unsurprisingly – from the Daily Mail, … Continue reading
A Serious Post For Once
This is a tough post to write.Firstly because it’s a sensitive topic that I know near to nothing about and I don’t want to stamp all over it with my half-baked opinions. Secondly because it’s so far out of … Continue reading
TV Doctors Undermine Breastfeeding for Publicity – FACT!
The strangest thing happened on November 3rd 2012. I was breastfeeding my daughter when suddenly something changed. It was as if the milk realised that she was six months old and, like Lily Potter’s enchantment when Harry turned 17, it … Continue reading