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Tag Archives: play
Brooks Farm – 23/01/15
You may not have noticed but it’s blimming cold today. I’m cold right now. I may have to persuade Eva to come and give me a hug to warm up, but that’s going to be a tough job, given she’s … Continue reading
The Rabbit Hole – 18/06/14
I’ve had my eye on the Rabbit Hole for a few weeks now. A play cafe opening in East London. .. It needed to be investigated. It was a bit tricky organising people to go with me and the sunshine … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cafes, cake, coffee, East London, eating out, play
IKEA With a Toddler – 21/04/14
There are two ways to approach the IKEA experience, especially when you’re trying to do it with a child or two in tow. One is to treat it like a fun day out – forget about buying anything specific, just … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged cake, eating out, North London, play, playground, shopping
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Deli Nene, Beckenham – 19/10/13
Hello, all you cave-dwelling hermits! Yes, I’m addressing you, the people who just have crawled out of the cave for the first time since 1968 and have just discovered this thing we call The Internet. Because you are probably the … Continue reading
Eat, Play, Love (Battersea) – 08/03/13
So, today we went out to eat, play and love at Eat, Play, Love Battersea. As you may have gathered, Reuben isn’t too good at doing what he’s told, so he didn’t want to eat, then play, then love. As … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cafes, cake, play, South London, toys