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Monthly Archives: April 2013
The British Museum – 09/04/13
You’ll be surprised to know that this was the first time I’d taken Roo to visit the British Museum. We’d been there twice before but didn’t see a single exhibit either time. Pathetic, I know. The first time was a … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cafes, Central London, ice-cream, museums, shopping
Where to live in London with a toddler pt 3 – Camberwell & East Dulwich
You might associate Camberwell with a number of things – the “Carrot” from Withnail and I, the “Beauty” from the butterfly, and the “Green” that is similarly named, yet subtly different to “Camberwick Green”. The people at Camberwell Green are … Continue reading
Where to live in London with a toddler pt 2 – Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace is, as one mother described it, ridiculously baby-friendly. There are reams of baby shops and little coffee shops and all the pubs have highchairs and changing tables. One pub I went to for a first birthday party – … Continue reading
Where to live in London with a toddler pt 1 – Walthamstow
Back when I was a Smash Hits browsing teen, Walthamstow was the epitome of rough urban glamour. It was in the East End of London – a thrilling yet terrifying proposition for a suburban girl like me – and it … Continue reading
Lazy Town Series Launch – 05/04/13
A few years back – well, about 8 years back- Nathan was having a conversation with our niece Natalie, who was around Roo’s age then. She was telling him all about a friend of hers called Stephanie who would only … Continue reading
A Few Newsings…
That’s like musings on news…not “news” in the political sense, news in the sandpit kinda sense. I have a few updates on things you might like, especially if you live in the SE11 area…so here they are! 1) Crazy Chimps … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged bakery, cafes, Central London, deli, news, softplay, South London
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Things to do in London over the Easter Holidays
Blimey, that was a short half-term, wasn’t it? Easter hols are suddenly on us and with them two weeks of preschooler-boredom to fill. Still, there’s lots out there to do and we intend to do some of it. As should … Continue reading