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Tag Archives: fish
Great Yarmouth – 27/08/23
This was all a bit spontaneous and – for once – Nathan’s idea. I know, a night in a random seaside town is totally the kind of thing I would come up with but this time it was him. Maybe … Continue reading
London Zoo – 23/02/13
I’ve got to admit, this didn’t seem like the luckiest expedition ever. There was a flurry of snow as we left, with everything that we needed for the day piled on the buggy. And then I crashed the buggy and … Continue reading
Amazon Adventure at the Horniman – 20/02/13
Today, I took the kids to a museum. Are you shocked yet? No? OK, this post won’t actually shock anyone in any way. I just thought it was a great picture to post at the top of the post. It … Continue reading
The Horniman Museum – 02/12/11
Go on, have a snigger. Horniman. Sounds kinda rude doesn’t it? We’ve all been there…some of us have matured and got over it. Clearly I’m not one of those but never mind *snigger* So, to the Museum. I’ll ‘fess up … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cafes, fish, museums, rainy day places, South London
What to do with a toddler in Central London part 2
So, this is what I failed to talk about in my last post. Our day in Central London with our 2-year-old. But first, a digression. There are many things to do in Central London that are actually fun for a … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged Central London, choo-choo!, fish, shopping