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Tag Archives: South London
“Midsummer Mechanicals” at the Globe Theatre – 31/07/22
As soon as I heard about the premise of this play, I was intrigued. I’ve doubtless mentioned it on the blog before but I played the part of a mechanical in MSND when I was Reuben’s age (which yes, is … Continue reading
“Cats and Dogs” at the Horniman – 17/02/22
It’s been a while since we last ventured to deepest South London. Reuben was offered the opportunity to go to Forest Hill after church last week and he dismissed it with a shrug that suggested it was just too….far. And … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cake, coffee, dogs, museums, South London
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My Apprentice Life
I’m not entirely sure why I’m sticking with The Apprentice. I’m sure everyone else gave up on this show years ago. And this series is trying its hardest to repel me – first with an episode about teeth (boak) and … Continue reading
Hanging Around the Southbank -14/08/21
Today was a proper old school LWAT kinda day. Not much of a plan but sunshine and family made it a happy day of hanging out. We were meeting CousinZ and her parents and CousinO under the clock at Waterloo. … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged Central London, eating out, golf, playground, South London, southbank centre, water play
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National Archives – 03/08/19
Shhhh…this is a very secret post. Although I’ve been told recently that I’m terrible at stealth, yesterday was my chance to acquire some spying skills. We were meeting my brother and his family at the National Archive in Kew and … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged coffee, museum, South London, spy, West London
“Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear – The Musical” – 31/07/19
Now this was a show the kids were excited about. They are both Mr Gum devotees, with thr books in pride of place on Reuben’s book shelf and the audiobooks on permanent rotation in the car. They were sure … Continue reading
A Sunny Weekend in London
Well, that was summer. Did you enjoy it? All three days? We did. We got Out and About over the weekend even though there are no trains from HP for 8 weekends in a row. Which is the kind of … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged choo-choo!, North London, parks, playground, South London, trains
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Another Girls’ Day Out – 06/04/19
Yeah, I know…this was ages ago. We’ve been to Portugal and back since then but the Portuguese blog post will probably take a bit more brain power than I have right now and I did mean to blog this little … Continue reading
“Wow Everything is Amazing” at Battersea Arts Centre – 11/04/19
I must admit I wasn’t sure what to expect from Sounds Like Chaos‘ “Wow Everything is Amazing”. The promotional materials had asked a lot of questions about our relationship with technology but hadn’t answered many in terms of what this … Continue reading
“Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster” at Battersea Arts Centre – 23/03/19
After spending time with Eva this morning, it was time for some mother-son bonding with Reuben this afternoon. Which initially seemed to consist of me clutching his pepperoni sandwich for half the length of the Jubilee Line while he … Continue reading