This is a Guest Post from Kerrie of Bear With Me. Kerrie is the mother of Oliver, and avid trekker around London. As usual, Londonwithatoddler accepts no responsibility for the contents of this post, and views expressed represent the author’s own. May feature giant penguins.
We have been to Mudchute Farm twice in two weeks now so I thought it would make a good blog post. The first trip last Sunday was super muddy due to all the rain we have been getting but super fun. We went mud trekking with Lee & Elsie and drove to the Crossharbour Asda next to Mudchute DLR. From here you walk about 5 minutes to get to the farm through a little pathway which is hidden away in the far right corner. From the DLR the farm is signposted well also.
Mudchute Farm is a 32 acre site which is free (in London – free!) and has 1 very energetic noisy pig who runs up and down (how often do you see enormous pigs running?!), some horses (who turned their noses up at us but were happy to pose for pictures with every other person there), greedy grass munching sheep, toothy alpacas and some smaller animals (ferrets, chipmunks, rabbits, chickens…) for the littlies.
There is an education project attached to the farm which works with local schools in topics such as environment, farming and science and also a nursery. If I had known I would have applied!
Oliver loved feeding grass to the sheep best and trying to stroke the horses. He also enjoyed running around the almost enclosed area in the cafe which looks on to the equestrian centre. The little animal enclosure is through a tunnel where you can see a cow, sheep and chicken on the wall (I spent quite a lot of time here saying “cow..sheep..chicken” in case anyone wasn’t sure what they were looking at and it kept Oliver entertained once all the chocolate buttons were gone.) Elsie, who is 3, carried her chocolate milkshake around with her all day and kept throwing it over herself, the pram, the floor, other kids – it was adorable. She looked even cuter covered in chocolate milkshake than she did when she left the house in the morning.
VERDICT: All in all a lovely day out with the kids and it’s free so you can buy yourself an enormous slice of cake at the cafe. Remember the wellies!!
Oliver is wearing an h&m grey cardigan, h&m truck vest, h&m shoes with stripy primark socks and primark shorts. Elsie is wearing chocolate milkshake!