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Tag Archives: music
“Ten Pieces Presents…” Prom – 23/07/17
We’ve got a couple of temporary LWATers with us this week. They’re young and full of energy and they’ve been tasked with looking after the kids while Nathan and I go to work. But first, I thought we’d show them … Continue reading
Summer Holidays Are Here!
So, it’s four days into the holidays and already my kids have watched six Marvel movies. Nathan’s been in charge and apparently, “there’s a lot of MCU to get through”. If you’d like your children to be slightly more … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged beach, Central London, East London, music, North London, parks, theatre, West London
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Cool Theatre Shows for Hot Days
I’m melting. Roo and I walked/scooted to the Feel Good Centre in blistering heat and now my brain resembles nothing more than a pink sticky puddle BUT I have some cool things to tell you about, so I’m soldiering … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged dance, East London, music, theatre, West London
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Pack Your Bags…There’s So Much to Do
Yeah, yeah this was clearly a case of “Picture first, blog title later” but it’s a lame lead in to a big old list of entirely un-lame things to do over the next few weeks. Which, you’ll be shocked to … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged art, Berkofest, Central London, museums, music, South London, southbank centre, theatre
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BerkoFest – 10/09/16
It’s Nathan’s birthday. Those of you who have seen the early morning wonders bestowed on him by our children will be surprised to learn that there was more to this day than a home made paper aeroplane (Eva) and a … Continue reading
Autumn Preview
It doesn’t feel like it this balmy night but Autumn really isn’t far away, is it? Please tell me this summer holiday is almost over… Yes, yes it is. And here are some things to look forward to this Autumn. … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged art, East London, music, outside London, theatre, West London
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Things We’ve Done in July
I’ve got so far behind in blogging and the summer holidays are coming up so fast that I’m throwing the towel in slightly and just doing a giant round up post. I still have a summer preview to write and … Continue reading
Baby Broadway – 25/06/16
There’s no denying that life has been a little gloomy these past few days. And I’m not saying that singing Broadway tunes for 45 minutes will make the pain all go away but well, it’ll help. So Saturday morning saw … Continue reading
LWAT’s Guide to Tabby McTat
Listen up, Londoners…this is important stuff. I know this blog covers a wide variety of topics, from the trivial (politics) to the vital (sandpits) but this is one of the life-changing ones. I’m going to tell you where all the … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged animals, books, Central London, East London, music, North London, south bank, South London
Bouncing Cats and Boom-Boom Pups – 27/02/16
It’s been a varied weekend, musically speaking. Rock, hiphop, musical theatre, worship, AOR, experimental symphonies, mid-90s indie, Disney….I could go on. But instead I’ll just focus on yesterday, which saw us rocking at lunchtime and hip-hopping by teatime. First though, … Continue reading