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Tag Archives: eating out
The North for a Day – 30-31/03/18
It’s taken me a while to write about this trip because I still feel a bit exhausted and trust me, you will too by the time you’ve read it. If you make it to the end. So the first thing … Continue reading
A Winter Catch Up
January is finally over and it feels like we’ve been stuck in winter for a long time. So what have we been up to? I guess the answer is not much that’s particularly bloggable, with the exception of a jaunt … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged art, cycling, East London, eating out, farms, museums, outside London, trains, West London
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Milestones Museum – 20/01/18
It takes a lot to tempt us out of London early on a Saturday morning. Even more so when it’s rainy and our destination is Basingstoke. But we were meeting family who had come all the way from Australia and, … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged eating out, museums, outside London
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Hugs W Mugs – 06/01/18
Happy New Year! To celebrate, Roo and I decided to visit a brand new cafe. Well, he didn’t decide. He only agreed to go for a bike ride…but I had a secret agenda in mind. The first iteon the agenda … Continue reading
Christmas on the South Bank – 21/12/17
Anyone have any idea how to spend 8 hours at the Southbank Centre on a miserable day in December? Well, neither did I. The answer seemed to be “go where the wind takes us” and also “spend lots of money … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged carousel, Christmas, coffee, disco, eating out, playground, South London, southbank centre
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Child-Free and Care-Free
I started writing this on Friday night, sitting on the Victoria Line. It was to be a post about the fun of going out and having fun in London, without my kids. 24 hours later, something happened to make this … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged Central London, childfree, East London, eating out, exercise
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Epping Forest Pub Walk – 01/05/17
So I get it, you’re just like me. Right? You wake up on a bank holiday Monday and go “I know what I want to do today. I want to drag an overhyped, overtired girl two miles through a forest … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged eating out, nature, playground, pubs, walking
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Ashlyns Farm Shop -14/04/17
This was a spontaneous kinda plan. Every Good Friday we consider doing something worthy, like going to see the Passion Play in Trafalgar Square and we end up doing something completely different. Today was no exception. Miles away from … Continue reading
Brussels with a Toddler
Yes, we went to Brussels and yes, we had an actual toddler to explore with. The toddler was one of the Marias and we had a clutch of delightful other children to skip around with too. But first, let … Continue reading
The Imagine Festival – 14/02/17
Well, not really much of the Imagine Festival. We were there for a bit and then we weren’t but I got some photos and I’m confident that I’ve lowered your expectations after all these years so you’ll be grateful that … Continue reading