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Category Archives: Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Chips and Changing Tables – Eating Out With a Toddler Part 1 Zillion….
Cause, yknow we’ve done a lot of this eating out with a toddler thing now. Newborns, weaners, toddler, preschoolers, schoolkids…we’ve dropped ketchup on them all, in restaurants all over London. But here are some that have been more fun than … Continue reading
The “London’s Most Toddler-Friendly Cafe” Award
Yesterday we went to The Dish and Spoon cafe in East Dulwich. I haven’t written about it yet, because I have to get my head around Maori politics first, but it gave me an idea. A quest! And the quest … Continue reading
A Nice Cuppa Tea – a Sponsored Post by Twinings
Who doesn’t love a cup of tea? Readers from countries other than England? Well, that’s your loss. As our favourite hangout the Tea House Theatre puts it – “Water and bread can so easily become tea and toast”. I’m largely … Continue reading
Eat, Play, Love (Battersea) – 08/03/13
So, today we went out to eat, play and love at Eat, Play, Love Battersea. As you may have gathered, Reuben isn’t too good at doing what he’s told, so he didn’t want to eat, then play, then love. As … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cafes, cake, play, South London, toys
How to eat out without children
Do you remember the days pre-kids, when you could go out as often as you like and stay out as long as you like? Well, forget them. Those days are gone. Eating out, with or without kids, just isn’t the … Continue reading
Films at the Tea House
I may have mentioned the Tea House Theatre once or twice before. Forgive me. It’s a local business, and I’m a firm believer in supporting local business where possible (and then shopping at Tesco). So I’m happy to give places … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cake, cinema, South London
1 Comment
The Ragged Canteen (Beaconsfield Gallery) and Vauxhall City Farm revisited
It’s been a funny coupla weeks on the blog – rants against the media at large, sponsored posts, shameless pleas for votes. Let’s get back to the important stuff in life – toasties and alpacas. That’s an alpaca there. The … Continue reading
Guards and cupcakes – 25/01/13
Do you sometimes feel like the Universe is trying to tell you something? I felt like that this morning. I was reading a blog post by Slummy Single Mummy, which featured a picture of a rainbow cake. Minutes earlier I … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged buses, cake, Central London, horses
Gooseberry Bush Cafe – 16/01/13
As you may have noticed if you regularly read this blog, Eva and I have an ongoing project to see how far we can get during Roo’s nursery time. Today may have been pushing the boundaries a little. We often … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged baby, cafes, cake, coffee, South London