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Tag Archives: swimming
A Roasting Weekend in East London
Ja ja, this theme is getting stretched now. It’s hot. You get it. But I haven’t yet bored you with what we did last weekend, so I’m going to do that right now before the thunder storm arrives. Eva and … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged choo-choo!, East London, parks, soft play, swimming, trains
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Memorial Plunged!
You may have noticed how, both here and the Facebook page, I’ve been going on for the last month about a “plunge” and some “plungers”. No, it’s not advice on what to do if someone puts a wet wipe down … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged Memorial Plunge, North London, swimming
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That Bob and I are doing something stupid. This might not be news, but it’s all for a good cause – two good causes, in fact. Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Well, we’re kinda super-sizing that and plunging into the … Continue reading
Glass Mill Leisure Centre – 16/10/13
Sorry there hasn’t been a lot of action on the blog lately. Vomiting bug stopped play. Last week was meant to be spent visiting toddler-friendly cafes and eating cake, but it’s hard to do that with your head in an … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged eating out, shopping, South London, swimming
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Does The Right to Breastfeed Anywhere Mean You Should Breastfeed Anywhere?
Today I found myself in the uncomfortable position of siding with the Daily Mail on something. It wasn’t a good feeling and I hope it won’t happen again. It was the fault of some strangers on the internet – we … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncategorized
Tagged breastfeeding, Daily Mail, swimming, swimming pools, tabloids
Oasis Leisure Centre – 01/09/12
It’s nice to go for a swim in an open-air pool when you’re on holiday. Y’know, Costa del Sol, the Algarve, Holborn…. It was high time to take Eva on her first swim and I thought an open-air pool might … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged Central London, swimming, swimming pools
Splish splash! Swimming with a toddler in South London
Another generic post but a nice one for a hot day, no? We’ve done a fair bit of swimming around the South London area (not literally swimming around South London…unless you believe that made-for -TV movie “Flood”. “Sir, if we … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged pools, South London, swimming, swimming pools