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Tag Archives: southbank centre
Summer Holiday Preview Part 1 – The London Eye
“It’s Summer, it’s Summer (oh oh oh)…Happy in the Morning, Happy in the evening, Hooray for the summertime….” <switches CBeebies off for a moment> Yes, it’s finally looking summery out there, and the school holidays start next week, which means, … Continue reading
Southbank Festival of Neighbourhood – 07/06/13
Things are getting worse. But there’s only a month to go until I’m out of this trap and can finally start to move on. Until then, it’s just a steady decline to oblivion. I’m talking, of course, about my very … Continue reading
Imagine Children’s Festival – 20/02/13
Yes, I know this is out of sequence with the Tree Fu Tom post, but that’s where live-blogging gets you. I’ve also had a busy week writing lots of random things so this one is a bit later than it … Continue reading
The mobile milk bar – breastfeeding around town
(Before WordPress kicks me off – that’s a picture of some ice-cream. What did you think it was?!) I’m not really one for being contentious on this blog. I’m more about sandpits and stuff. But a few facebook arguments recently … Continue reading
Festival of the World (Southbank Centre) – 22/06/12
It’s been a rather blustery day. Walking along the river, I thought Roo’s buggy might just be whipped away over the edge. Luckily, I had Roo to use as a counterweight, so once I put him in it the problem … Continue reading
A Rainy Day Special
I can’t believe it was only a month ago that I wrote A Sandpit Special. Back then, I was freshly Mat-leaved, the sun was shining and I was optimistic that this baby was going to be with us really soon. … Continue reading
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged rainy day places, southbank centre
Royal Festival Hall
This is another London-Mother staple. It’s fairly central, easy to get to and they don’t mind you sitting there for hours without buying anything. But they also have a cafe (and a bar!) selling tea and coffee, a soup and … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged cafes, coffee, rainy day places, South London, southbank centre