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Tag Archives: soft play
Little Dinosaurs – 23/10/13
Yesterday was a busy day. A 6-tube, 3-bus, uphill-downhill kind of day. And our first destination was Little Dinosaurs at Alexandra Palace. We caught the Victoria Line as far as Finsbury Park and made a very easy change onto the … Continue reading
A (Rick) Witter….
Yes, it’s one of those posts where I talk about random bits and pieces, following the LWAT philosophy that hopefully something I say will be useful to someone somewhere someday. First off, you may recall that I got quite excited … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged cafes, cinema, eating out, hair cuts, soft play, South London
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Crazy Chimps Revisited – 11/05/13
Our local soft play, Crazy Chimps, has been overdue for a revisit since we made a hasty exit from the opening party. There have been a few weeks of glorious weather, when the park has beckoned instead….and there was that … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged rainy day places, soft play, South London
Crazy Chimps Opening Party – 14/04/13
I am in shock. It wasn’t Crazy Chimps’ fault but oh my…We’ll get to that bit later. It has something to do with that oh-so-angelic boy driving the yellow truck. We’ll get there. So, today was the opening of the … Continue reading
Wavelengths – 11/04/13
I like to think that as you read the blog, you’re thinking something along the lines of “gosh, how well organised that katese11 is! Her adventures around London always go off without a hitch”. Well, readers, I am about to … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged cafes, soft play, South London
Brooklands Museum – 09/03/13
Now, this really stretches the bounds of what you could describe as “London”. It’s on the cusp of non-London land, but it’s this side of the M25 so it counts. It’s Adventures With Gravel turf, but I was meeting Gravel’s … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged aeroplanes, buses, cafes, cars, museums, outer London, soft play
Bertie&Boo Adventure Island – 09/02/13
Sooo…what to do with a rainy Saturday afternoon? One option was to drive around the M25 with some friends (yes, they were doing it for fun), which would have sent the kids to sleep but might just have sent me … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged cafes, cake, coffee, pirates, soft play, South London, ukelele
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News! News! News!
I have news! No, I’m not pregnant. That’s a different Kate you’re thinking of. I have news of the may-interest-other-people-too genre. Now, where’s that miniature trumpet I usually use for these kind of announcements? Darn, can’t find it. You’ll have … Continue reading