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Tag Archives: outside London
Legoland – 08/08/20
Well, this is a bit different to the life we’ve been leading for the last few months. A day out at a theme park you say? That’s not in Chingford? How very extreme. I’ll admit I was a little nervous … Continue reading
Epping Forest – 19/07/20
It’s finally happened – we’ve left Highams Park. After four solid months of only travelling by foot (or bike in Roo’s case), the four of us got into the car together and went all the way to North Chingford. I … Continue reading
Lager, Lager, Lager, Shouting – Midlife Raving
I might have turned 39 last week. It’s OK, I’m fine about it…I handled it in the most mature way possible, by dancing till 1am to songs from my teens. Sorted. I know I ought to feel a bit shamed … Continue reading
West Bay and Windsor – 15-16/08/19
Yes, I know those places aren’t anywhere near each other but they alliterate and we’ve been to both this week. Well kinda. It was actually the next bay over from West Bay. But again, see the alliteration! We’ve spent … Continue reading
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at Hatfield House – 11/08/19
Now, I might have mentioned before that I’m a bit precious about Midsummer Night’s Dream. I was in a school production at the age of 13 and got a *little* bit obsessed about it. Think Reuben-and-Infinity-War-level obsession. So the two … Continue reading
Brighton – 27/07/19
Today, we went to Brighton. Surprised? That makes two of us. I was expecting to go to Frinton-On-Sea, which is where we’ve been with church for this beach trip the last two years. And if your grasp is geography is … Continue reading
Legoland – 06/05/19
Yes, another year and another trip to Legoland. This time it was for Eva’s birthday, not Roo’s, but in every other way you’d think it’d be the same as the other years. Still, I think I have one or two … Continue reading
Museum of Liverpool – 13/08/18
We’re slowly getting through this thing they call the summer holidays. It’s a long haul, like the walk to Mordor. But we’re on day 29 of 47 now, which I reckon puts us around the end of the Two Towers. … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged beach, coffee, holidays, museum, outside London
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Legoland – 17/06/18
This was our second jaunt to Legoland and like the trip in 2016, I planted the seed early in Reuben’s brain about what he wanted to do for his birthday. Eva had a Star Wars-themed Perform party with her … Continue reading
The North for a Day – 30-31/03/18
It’s taken me a while to write about this trip because I still feel a bit exhausted and trust me, you will too by the time you’ve read it. If you make it to the end. So the first thing … Continue reading