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Tag Archives: museums
“Power Up” at the Science Museum – 21/07/16
I mentioned in my last post that the Science Museum are running a very exciting exhibition over the summer, called “Power Up”, featuring 40 years’ worth of vintage video games. Well, we got a sneak peek at it last night … Continue reading
Summer Holidays are Here!
We’re one day in and I’m sporting one motherhecker of a sunburn, thanks to a 4.5 hr session in Myatt’s Fields this afternoon. The water was on intermittently – I think it was between 12:30 and 2 then again 3-5 … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged East London, ice-cream, museums, parks, South London, summer, water play, West London
The Brutalist Playground – 31/07/15
Ever wondered what the toilets look like in the Royal Institute of British Architects look like? Beautifully landscaped, you’d bet? Well you’d be right and now you can wonder no longer because that’s the exact spot we’re starting this blog … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged art, cafes, Central London, eating out, museums
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May Half Term Preview
I had a crazy revelation today. I’ve been feeling like I’m losing my mind because how could it be nearly half term already when I swear it was just Easter? Is it time speeding up as I age towards an inevitable decline? … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged dancing, East London, museums, South London, theatre
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The Bucket and Spade List Part 9 – RAF Museum
We are 75% of the way through this list. And summer’s not over yet, no no. Just because it was dark this morning and Roo’s back at school and I’ve just written a post about Christmas…none of that means I … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums), Uncategorized
Tagged aeroplanes, cafes, coffee, museums, North London
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The Bucket and Spade List Part 1
You’ve heard of the Bucket List, right? Starting off as a list of things to do before you die, it’s become a generic term for a list of cool stuff you want to do. So, we’ve hijacked that for our … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged Central London, East London, eating out, museums, North London, parks, summer holidays
Summer Holidays 2014
It’s finally happened – School have said that they don’t want to teach Reuben anymore. At least not until he starts Year 1 in September. If you have a similarly set-loose child, you may be wondering how to fill those … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged cafes, museums, music, paddling pools, parks, sandpits, southbank centre, summer holidays, ukelele
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Easter Holidays 2014
It’s the Easter holidays! This probably means more to you than it does to me..after all, Reuben has been off school pretty much since the last holiday (new school place coming soon…). But for those of you with actually schooled … Continue reading
“Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures” at the Natural History Museum
It’s half term! I realise that I owe you all a Tree Fu Tom winner but that will come later, once I can be bothered to do some counting have finished refining the complex algorithm needed to generate the … Continue reading
Posted in Reviewing the Situation
Tagged cafes, cake, cbeebies, dinosaurs, museums, West London