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Category Archives: Just wandering….
Out and About
After I spent a long time writing about the exact reason I cry at a kids’ film, a friend suggested I might want to get out of the house more. The same friend also enabled me to get out of … Continue reading
A West End Day – 11/12/21
I feel like Christmas has snuck up on me this year. Real-life singing is back after a year of being cancelled and there’s something about prepping three choirs’ worth of people to sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” that has … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged Central London, Christmas, coffee, eating out, shopping
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A Fairly Ordinary October
I realise I haven’t blogged for a while and now am doing the cardinal sin of starting a blog post by apologising about not blogging for a while. So I apologise and I apologise for the apologising. Truth is, we’ve … Continue reading
Hanging Around the Southbank -14/08/21
Today was a proper old school LWAT kinda day. Not much of a plan but sunshine and family made it a happy day of hanging out. We were meeting CousinZ and her parents and CousinO under the clock at Waterloo. … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged Central London, eating out, golf, playground, South London, southbank centre, water play
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Another Day Off – 22/07/21
I say “Another Day Off” because all through these lockdown months, I’ve been idly daydreaming about that time in December 2019 when I took a day off from work and parenting and just wandered around Central London like a happy … Continue reading
LWAT is 10!
Blimey, I almost missed this one. It was only by chance as I was checking the date against our near-foolproof bathroom rota system that I realised it was 13th July 2021. And that meant it was ten years to the … Continue reading
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! We celebrated not only the Resurrection yesterday but also the easing of the Covid restrictions and some sunshine. Triple whammy! What it meant in practice was wandering around Islington after church a few hours and then wandering around … Continue reading
Wandering Around Walthamstow
I did a couple of posts called “Walthamstow Wanders” around 2015ish. Back then, we were still new to the area and were wandering around because we were discovering things and places and it was all very exciting. Nowadays, the discovery … Continue reading
Lager, Lager, Lager, Shouting – Midlife Raving
I might have turned 39 last week. It’s OK, I’m fine about it…I handled it in the most mature way possible, by dancing till 1am to songs from my teens. Sorted. I know I ought to feel a bit shamed … Continue reading
A Day Off – 05/12/19
On Thursday, I took a day off. Unusual for me, I know, but it’s been a busy old month and sometimes you just need to channel Ferris Bueller and take some time to watch the world go by. So … Continue reading