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Tag Archives: swings
Plaza Park – 19/04/14
We like to be the first to try things out. We got into the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park as soon as it opened – albeit unintentionally – and I get annoyed if we’re late to the party on London-y, toddler-y … Continue reading →
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged cake, East London, parks, playground, slides, swings
Leyton Jubilee park – 14/04/14
Leyton…the name just evokes images of glamour and rock n roll, doesn’t it? Well, the second bit is covered as the bassist from the band I like to call “The Maiden” comes from Leyton but the glamour? Prior to our … Continue reading →
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged East London, parks, playground, swings
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East Greenwich Pleasaunce – 05/10/13
You wouldn’t think that eating cake and drinking coffee in pursuit of London’s Most Toddler-Friendly Cafe would cause any aggro, would you? Well, it hasn’t really, but after I visited Dulwich Park Cafe with Maria I did get some “feedback” … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cafe, coffee, parks, playgrounds, slides, swings, Toddler-Friendly Cafe Awards
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Dulwich Park – 27/09/13
The first time we visited Dulwich Park it didn’t go well. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but here goes with a tale of what is possibly Nathan’s worst birthday ever. The year was 2004. The birthday was … Continue reading →
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged animals, cafes, coffee, ice-cream, nature (really?!), parks, playgrounds, slides, South London, swings, Toddler-Friendly Cafe Awards
The Dish and the Spoon -20/09/13
Once again I’m blogging to you from the hour beyond midnight, where I’ve given up on any immediate sleepy notions and plonked my toddler in front of some strange gibbering creatures. And by a remarkable coincidence, a strange gibbering creature … Continue reading →
Posted in Just wandering...., Uncategorized
Tagged cafes, cake, coffee, music, parks, playground, slides, swings, Toddler-Friendly Cafe Awards
Hilly Fields – 28/08/13
You may already know this from the Facebook page, but yesterday, we made the epic trip from SE11 to SE12. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded. As any London geek knows, postcodes are ordered alphabetically rather than geographically, so … Continue reading →
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged ice-cream, parks, sandpits, slides, South London, swings, water play
An Afternoon in Brixton
So let me tell you a story, all about my day. It’ll have some interesting bits, honest. We’ve been in rural Hampshire for a week, so decided to go for maximum contrast by spending our first day back in Brixton. … Continue reading →
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged cinema, ice-cream, parks, playground, seesaw, slides, South London, swings
Local News and a Not-so-local Trip Out
I have exciting news. So exciting that I had to call Nathan at work and tell him. For phone-related reasons, he had to put me on speaker and so I think he was quite relieved when my exciting news turned … Continue reading →
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged eating out, parks, playgrounds, restaurants, slides, swings, West London
Some Local News and Some Reminders….
This is going to be a complete mish-mash of a post, and for that I apologise. But there is reasoning behind it – I have a very special post planned for post number 2-0-0 and it’s going to co-incide with … Continue reading →
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged Central London, giveaways, LolliBop, London Duck Tours, London Eye, playgrounds, sandpits, slides. parks, South London, swings, water play
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Some Playground News….
This is the update I actually meant to post yesterday, instead of getting a bit of a rant on. But yes, I do feel better for it. Thanks for asking. Yesterday’s post contained a lot of words and almost no … Continue reading →
Posted in What I suppose you'd call "tips"....?
Tagged parks, playground, sandpits, slides, swings, water play