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Tag Archives: seaside
Great Yarmouth – 28/08/23
If you read my last post about Great Yarmouth., you’ll realise that I still had another day’s worth of seaside fun to tell you about. So strap in…there are model villages still to come. First though, breakfast. We’d managed to … Continue reading
Great Yarmouth – 27/08/23
This was all a bit spontaneous and – for once – Nathan’s idea. I know, a night in a random seaside town is totally the kind of thing I would come up with but this time it was him. Maybe … Continue reading
A Month of Mayhem
In the dying hours of half term, I’m sure we’re all decompressing and being glad that June is now with us. But May was a pretty crazy month for me, even before half term and I’ve got some stuff to … Continue reading
Childfree in Sussex
After a long week, a childfree weekend in Sussex seems like a surreal dream. But I’m here to tell myself that it did happen. And – kick me now – I’ve got lots of ‘grammable content to share with you … Continue reading
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Tagged child-free, ice-cream, outside London, seaside, swimming
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Four Go To Dorset
As you may have noticed, it’s the Easter holidays. Opportunities to get away and see the sea have been pretty thin on the ground lately and so we snatched a few days where our work schedules would allow and took … Continue reading
Adventure Island Revisited – 12/06/21
I know this seems like a quick turnaround from our last visit but back then we were celebrating Eva’s birthday. Roll on June and lo and behold…another kid had a birthday to celebrate! Fortunately the fairground gods were smiling on … Continue reading
Adventure Island – 03/05/21
Over the course of the last few posts, I’ve been trying to persuade you that we’re back to our old adventuring ways, now that we’re armed with an armful of Pfizer. But I know, 90 mins playing golf next to … Continue reading
West Bay and Windsor – 15-16/08/19
Yes, I know those places aren’t anywhere near each other but they alliterate and we’ve been to both this week. Well kinda. It was actually the next bay over from West Bay. But again, see the alliteration! We’ve spent … Continue reading
Brighton – 27/07/19
Today, we went to Brighton. Surprised? That makes two of us. I was expecting to go to Frinton-On-Sea, which is where we’ve been with church for this beach trip the last two years. And if your grasp is geography is … Continue reading
Isle of Wight HighWights
Yes, it’s another exotic holiday for the LWAT family…we’ve just returned from a week on the island and it’s my pleasure to show you some of the interesting things we did. As you can tell, we were incredibly lucky with … Continue reading