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Tag Archives: North London
The “London’s Most Toddler-Friendly Cafe” Award
Yesterday we went to The Dish and Spoon cafe in East Dulwich. I haven’t written about it yet, because I have to get my head around Maori politics first, but it gave me an idea. A quest! And the quest … Continue reading
Northern Highlights – 14/09/13
One of the very many criticisms levelled at this blog is that it’s too South London centric. Cause I live in South London and hang out here quite a lot, the Google map ends up looking a bit bottom-heavy. Like … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged buses, cafes, cinema, eating out, North London, tube trains
1 Comment
London with a Tiddler part 2
Eva and I have been busy again. Evidence keeps suggesting that the best way to keep Eva asleep during the day is just to keep moving. How does that work for me? Ah, it doesn’t really…but it means we’ve had … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged baby, Central London, Christmas, coffee, eating out, North London, shopping, South London
That Place on the Corner – 30/08/12
There you go, as soon as I’ve written a new post on toddler-friendly cafes, then I go to another one. Again without my toddler. But I had a 16 month-old on loan instead. And Eva, obviously. Our destination this time … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cafes, coffee, North London, shopping