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Tag Archives: ice-cream
2007: A Seaside Odyssey
Editor’s Note; This post is in conjunction with the Avis A-List Awards 2013. I was asked to write a travel-related post, and my first idea was that it would be on our trip to Australia in 2007. But a sunny, … Continue reading
Paultons Park – 21/08/13
I’ve got some shocks in store for you in this post. Firstly, I went to the countryside. I know! But don’t reel from that too much because here comes the next one….there are actual photos of me on this post. … Continue reading
A Whole New King’s Cross – 06/08/13
You might have roughly the same mental image of King’s Cross that I do – a cramped ticket hall, filled with cranky Northerners on their way home. And that’s just how it was, two years ago. The station was tiny … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged Central London, ice-cream, nature (really?!), parks, water play
Southbank Festival of Neighbourhood – 07/06/13
Things are getting worse. But there’s only a month to go until I’m out of this trap and can finally start to move on. Until then, it’s just a steady decline to oblivion. I’m talking, of course, about my very … Continue reading
The British Museum – 09/04/13
You’ll be surprised to know that this was the first time I’d taken Roo to visit the British Museum. We’d been there twice before but didn’t see a single exhibit either time. Pathetic, I know. The first time was a … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cafes, Central London, ice-cream, museums, shopping