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Tag Archives: giveaway
Octowinner Announced!
It was a grey and cloudy afternoon under the ocean in a school playground when LWAT visited random.org. Octonauts to the launch bay…we have a winner! Before we announce it, a quick word from our sponsor, Mr K. Kitten: “Ahoy, … Continue reading
Competition Time! Sound the Octoalert!
Oh yes oh yes oh yes…It’s a very exciting competition coming right atcha. Fancy winning a family ticket to Octonauts Live? Of course you do! And I have one to give away. Enter by filling in the form below anytime … Continue reading
Tree Fu Tom Winners announced…and some LWAT news
Oh, it’s all going on around here. After a heady night of playing Carcassonne and eating crisps, I’m bringing you some exciting news…remember a while back, I blogged on TfL’s campaign that seemed to pit wheelchair users against buggies? Well, … Continue reading
Half-Term Competition Time! Win Tree Fu Tom Goodies!
It’s time for some Big World Magic. I may have mentioned before that Tree Fu Tom Live is coming to Westfields London and Stratford over half term (London on 20th Feb, Stratford 21st Feb) and we have VIP passes … Continue reading
Wauwaa Winner Announced!
But I won’t announce it just yet because I’ve been stung that way before (darn spoiler-y preview text)…so first off, here’s the most popular name in our Doctor Who-inspired baby poll. It’s David! The handsome 10th Doctor, as he’s traditionally … Continue reading
Competition Time!!! With Wauwaa!
It’s my 250th post, and as my old boss knows, I love a round number. So to celebrate, I’m giving a £50 voucher for fab new parenting site wauwaa. It’s got a shop full of cute things, which happen to … Continue reading
LolliBop Winner Revealed!! And ComicCon With a Toddler
It’s the news that at least some of you have been waiting for….the winner of the LolliBop competition. And this time, to stop the winners name annoyingly appearing in the preview text, I’m going to tell you what we’re up … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!, Uncategorized
Tagged comics, geeks, giveaway, LolliBop, West London
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