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Tag Archives: chips
Four Go To Dorset
As you may have noticed, it’s the Easter holidays. Opportunities to get away and see the sea have been pretty thin on the ground lately and so we snatched a few days where our work schedules would allow and took … Continue reading
Adventure Island Revisited – 12/06/21
I know this seems like a quick turnaround from our last visit but back then we were celebrating Eva’s birthday. Roll on June and lo and behold…another kid had a birthday to celebrate! Fortunately the fairground gods were smiling on … Continue reading
“A Night at the Pictures” at Wood Street Indoor Market
Walthamstow is full of surprises. There’s an evening disco for ageing indie kids, an Acoustic Massive that apparently accepts any old blogger and now there’s a haddock-slapping theatre company who want to entertain you in an old cinema. The show … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged cafes, chips, cinema, East London, parks, theatre
Chips and Changing Tables – Eating Out With a Toddler Part 1 Zillion….
Cause, yknow we’ve done a lot of this eating out with a toddler thing now. Newborns, weaners, toddler, preschoolers, schoolkids…we’ve dropped ketchup on them all, in restaurants all over London. But here are some that have been more fun than … Continue reading
2007: A Seaside Odyssey
Editor’s Note; This post is in conjunction with the Avis A-List Awards 2013. I was asked to write a travel-related post, and my first idea was that it would be on our trip to Australia in 2007. But a sunny, … Continue reading