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Tag Archives: boats
Pirate Party at the Tamesis Dock – 15/06/13
Having a 4-year-old’s birthday party on a boat is either genius or madness. I wasn’t sure before the party and I remain unsure after the party. Still, it was good enough to blog about. Reuben asked for a Pirate Dinosaur-themed … Continue reading
National Maritime Museum – 18/05/13
It was International Museum Day yesterday. Did you remember? We did, cause we celebrate a lot of these kind of days. Over lunch we made the unlikely decision to go to Greenwich, so I could revisit the National Maritime Museum … Continue reading
Chasing the ducky boat
So, I took a week off blogging as part of my social media holiday. I was considering a “wot I did on my holidays” post but it really was too dull for words. The short version is that Roo … Continue reading
Greenwich Park – 14/08/11
For all my fear of the countryside, it is nice to go outside London for some fresh air once in a while. Somewhere green, quaint and civilised. Like Greenwich. Ok, so we got the Jubilee line there and then a … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged boats, nature (really?!), parks, views
Wandering along the South Bank
As you may have discerned from this blog (if you are indeed the discerning type. I do hope you are), I like things that are either a) free b) cheap or c) something I can get my money’s worth out … Continue reading