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Tag Archives: parks
“Much Ado About Nothing” by East London Shakespeare Festival – 08/07/24
This is our third visit to an ELSF production in Highams Park. The first year was “Twelfth Night” in blazing sunshine, to the point that we were having to create shade for the kids to sit in: Last year was … Continue reading
The Most Matilda Weekend
Ever since the movie version of “Matilda: The Musical” came out earlier this year, Eva has been kind of obsessed with it. So for her birthday, I promised to take her and CousinZ to the theatre show. It was only … Continue reading
Escape Rooms, Art Shops and the Elizabeth Line – 10/09/22
Yesterday was Nathan’s birthday so we decided to go for one of those Nice Family Days Out you hear so much about. Nathan was clearly in a celebratory mood, as his neck-to-ankle black suggests. It might be that he was … Continue reading
A Right Royal Rainy Day – 31/05/22
You may have noticed there’s been some kind of Royal occasion this week. I’m not a massive monarchist but after the last couple of years of absolute crapiness, I can totally see why people might be up for a party. … Continue reading
My Apprentice Life
I’m not entirely sure why I’m sticking with The Apprentice. I’m sure everyone else gave up on this show years ago. And this series is trying its hardest to repel me – first with an episode about teeth (boak) and … Continue reading
LWAT is 10!
Blimey, I almost missed this one. It was only by chance as I was checking the date against our near-foolproof bathroom rota system that I realised it was 13th July 2021. And that meant it was ten years to the … Continue reading
Hampstead Heath – 24/04/21
It’s been a while since we’ve climbed Parliament Hill. The last time was around the genesis of this blog so it was well overdue a revisit. Plus, with all the months we’ve spent mooching around our own house, an adventure … Continue reading
Valentine’s Park – 07/04/21
The adventuring continues! We’ve left the borough again today, after Sunday’s jaunt to Islington. I know, this is WILD after so many months stuck in LBWF. Today was a trip on the 123 bus with some friendly friends and a … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged coffee, East London, parks, playground
1 Comment
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! We celebrated not only the Resurrection yesterday but also the easing of the Covid restrictions and some sunshine. Triple whammy! What it meant in practice was wandering around Islington after church a few hours and then wandering around … Continue reading
Kitchener Park – 05/08/20
You know when you visit somewhere in your dreams and then, years later, try to find it in real life? Well, that’s what I thought Kitchener Park was like. Somewhere I dreamt up years ago that doesn’t exist. Certainly, Google … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks), Uncategorized
Tagged East London, parks, playground
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