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Tag Archives: Central London
“Stranger Things: The First Shadow” at the Phoenix Theatre – 01/03/24
What to say about Stranger Things on stage that won’t constitute spoilers? And if I do spill any spoilers, will a shady government organisation come and make me disappear? It seems likely. What I can say is that the queuing … Continue reading
Natural History Museum and “My Neighbour Totoro” at the Barbican – 27/01/24
If you think that title is long, then let me assure you that the day that went with it was every bit as long. I’m still recovering from it now…or not, as the case may be. The Yorkshire Folk were … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged Central London, dinosaurs, theatre, West London
1 Comment
“Zimmer vs Williams” at the Barbican – 31/12/23
Despite what I told my children, this was not a cage fight between two distinguished composers. So apologies – if that’s why you clicked on this post, you’ll be disappointed. Maybe get in touch with the makers of 90s classic … Continue reading
Christmassy Things to See
As you may know if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, one of my favourite things to do at this time of year is to wander around London and just look at all the pretty things … Continue reading
I Just Want to Tell You How I’m Feeling…..
Tired. But that’s not the main point of this post. In fact, there are a few things I want to tell you about but don’t worry, we’ll come back to the post title eventually. First though, let me tell you … Continue reading
“Portraits of Dogs” at Wallace Collection – 19/08/23
We’re back in London after our trip to Turkey and what better to do than something really Central London-y? Someone on a local group had shared an invite for a “quiet hour” session at the Wallace Collection and I’d booked … Continue reading
A Month of Mayhem
In the dying hours of half term, I’m sure we’re all decompressing and being glad that June is now with us. But May was a pretty crazy month for me, even before half term and I’ve got some stuff to … Continue reading
The Most Matilda Weekend
Ever since the movie version of “Matilda: The Musical” came out earlier this year, Eva has been kind of obsessed with it. So for her birthday, I promised to take her and CousinZ to the theatre show. It was only … Continue reading
Musical Theatre Rave – 02/04/23
OK, I’m finally ready to blog about Sunday night. It’s been a busy old week with the Globe on Monday, office and an overnight visitor on Tuesday, Twist Museum on Wednesday and trying to catch up on work on Thursday. … Continue reading
Posted in Reviewing the Situation
Tagged Central London, child-free, dancing, disco, musicals
1 Comment
A Week Off
We’ve just had a week off….unusual, I know but these things happen when you fail to use up your annual leave in a timely manner. So a rainy week in November it is. What to do? Well, I started the … Continue reading