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Tag Archives: cake
Peckham Rye Adventure Playground – 26/05/15
Yesterday, it was sunny. Really sunny. The kind of day that leaves a vivid red mark on your shoulders with only a finger-shaped patch of white to show where you rubbed some of the kids’ sun cream off. I … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged cafes, cake, choo-choo!, coffee, ice-cream, parks, playground, South London
Tea at the Furchester – 10/04/15
Now, this was an exciting trip out. I’d been bribing Reuben with it all week long and by the time Friday came around, all three of us were hugely overexcited. Friday morning turned into a spontaneous rolling playdate, so … Continue reading
Posted in Cake and the finest wines known to humanity (eating out)
Tagged cake, cbeebies, Central London
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Owls Play Centre – 03/04/15
Now, those of you who know Eva IRL will know that owls are something of a theme for her. I think it started with an owl dress and spiralled into t-shirts, decor and snack boxes. So, sooner or later … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged cake, coffee, East London, soft play
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Walthamstow Wanders Part 2
We’ve been wandering around Walthamstow again. There’s still a lot to discover in this corner of the world, and it’s getting ever more toddler-friendly as more hipster parents move in from Stoke Newington. Yes, you can now buy overpriced organic … Continue reading
Save the Rabbit Hole!
These are unhappy times for London’s toddler-friendly cafes. Our favourite Dish and Spoon is closed, due to water damage repair and Nancy’s Pantry is also closed, following a fire. And now the Rabbit Hole is facing closure too, due … Continue reading
Samsung S5 Teddy Bear Tea Party
Something about this blogger event scared me and it wasn’t the twinkle-toed reindeer above. It was the idea of handling a brand new phone that someone might want back. I have a bit of a curse when it comes to … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged cafe, cake, Central London, shopping, toys
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Springfield Park – 28/10/14
Like all the best plans, this one was a spontaneous one. I’d spent the morning wrestling with a utility company that I won’t name but they’re the one that use one of my favourite ever songs in their adverts….how very … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged boats, cafe, cake, East London, parks, playground
Pirate Playhouse – 27/10/14
The strangest thing has happened this half term – the sun is shining, the kids are being reasonably well-behaved and no-one has been sick since Friday night. Have we actually broken the half term curse that sees us sulking … Continue reading
North Walthamstow Jumble Trail – 04/10/14
Is anyone worried that London With a Toddler has got too shiny, too commercial, too slick? After all, we’ve had what you might describe as both decent content and decent giveaways recently. Worry not! This post has all the LWAT … Continue reading
The Bucket and Spade List Part 3 – Attempting Leytonstone
You can tell by the title of this post that it’s not going to be an exciting one. I would love to report that I explored Leytonstone fully, and discovered a treasure trove of toddler-friendliness there. But it wasn’t like … Continue reading