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Tag Archives: cake
British Museum – 25/09/16
It’s been a long time since we last visited the British Museum – while I loved the idea of it from E Nesbit books and half-remembered school trips, it never seemed like a very practical place to take small … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cake, Central London, coffee, museum, playground
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Another Summer Round Up
You might have discerned by now that I have a Significant Number blog post coming up. That’s why I’ve been posting like a mad lady this week. And yes, indeed post 500 is brewing…and we’re off out tomorrow to do … Continue reading
LWAT is 5! A Disappointing Post
This is Roo and Nathan two years and a month ago, on Reuben’s 5th birthday. I prepped hard for that party, baking a special cake, setting a dinosaur hunt and filling party bags with dino-related goodies. Now my second child, … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged cafes, cake, Central London, choo-choo!, coffee, Dish and the Spoon, trains
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Big Fish Little Fish – 12/06/16
This has taken a while to write up because I was trying to get that epic Legoland post out of the way first. And if you’ve read that 2000-word monster, you’ll understand how tired we were when, the very next … Continue reading
Millie May’s – 13/02/16
It has been a busy week. The children are staying at the grandparents’ and Nathan and I have been living it up, childfree style. I’ve got so many things to blog about and they will all be achingly smug. There … Continue reading
Pantry & Co Giveaway!!
Now, those of you who don’t live in Highams Park may not have heard this particular piece of news, but for you local types there’s no excuse….unless you’ve been living under a rock. So, for the sole benefit of those … Continue reading
Oh My! Coffee Shop – 12/01/16
I like to think that I am totally in tune with my readers. Like when it’s January and everyone is still pursuing their New Year’s diet, I write a post about Chingford’s Biggest Chocolate Brownie. But you know what else January … Continue reading
EasiYo Brunch – 24/10/15
The quest to understand West London continues. Yesterday morning found us wandering around Earl’s Court, trying to find a way out from the Piccadilly Line. What seemed like an exit landed us on the District Line platform, at which point … Continue reading
Lordship Lane Recreation Ground – LWAT is 400!
As you might have noticed, it’s been a bit of a full-on half term, both in blogging terms and actually getting-out-of-the-house-and-doing-stuff terms. Funnily enough, they always seem to go together. So when I was contemplating how to mark the 400th … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged bikes, bus, cafes, cake, coffee, North London, parks, playground
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