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Tag Archives: cafes
Fun in the Forest – 18/03/14
Warning: this post may contain more countryside than you’ve ever experienced on this blog before. Get used to it. This, my friends, is life in Zone 4. But don’t worry – it’s the kind of countryside I can handle. It’s … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged cafes, forest, nature (really?!)
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A Complex Day
Remember that Google location map I mentioned, that while my children were poxed rather creepily followed me from room to room? Well, today will have made it go nuts. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a rush hour district … Continue reading
“Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures” at the Natural History Museum
It’s half term! I realise that I owe you all a Tree Fu Tom winner but that will come later, once I can be bothered to do some counting have finished refining the complex algorithm needed to generate the … Continue reading
Posted in Reviewing the Situation
Tagged cafes, cake, cbeebies, dinosaurs, museums, West London
Kids’ Adventure Zone
It was a rainy day in Wood Green and Eva and I were off to meet T’sMum and T. In fact, this is the third time we’ve been to Wood Green to meet T’sMum and every time it’s been … Continue reading
A Wee Bit of Clarification
Sorry, I tend to be a bit oblique at times….Just to clarify, to vote for your favourite toddler-friendly cafe, you must click on the poll. “Like”s, comments etc are all lovely and welcome, but they won’t be counted as votes. … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged cafes, Toddler-Friendly Cafe Awards
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Nominees for “London’s Most Toddler-Friendly Cafe” Award!
So here it is, the shortlist that some of you have been waiting for… Voting starts NOW! Winner will be announced on Nov 1st. In no particular order, the nominees are… Beanies, Croydon Nearest Station: East Croydon (National Rail) Special … Continue reading
Chips and Changing Tables – Eating Out With a Toddler Part 1 Zillion….
Cause, yknow we’ve done a lot of this eating out with a toddler thing now. Newborns, weaners, toddler, preschoolers, schoolkids…we’ve dropped ketchup on them all, in restaurants all over London. But here are some that have been more fun than … Continue reading