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Category Archives: Token attempts at culture (museums)
“Power Up” at the Science Museum – 21/07/16
I mentioned in my last post that the Science Museum are running a very exciting exhibition over the summer, called “Power Up”, featuring 40 years’ worth of vintage video games. Well, we got a sneak peek at it last night … Continue reading
The Brutalist Playground – 31/07/15
Ever wondered what the toilets look like in the Royal Institute of British Architects look like? Beautifully landscaped, you’d bet? Well you’d be right and now you can wonder no longer because that’s the exact spot we’re starting this blog … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged art, cafes, Central London, eating out, museums
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The Power of Poison – 21/06/15
Well, it’s been an interesting week. On Wednesday night I baked some brownies and, waiting for them to cool down, wrote a silly little song about the recent train troubles on the Chingford line. Then Nathan filmed it, we … Continue reading
The Art of the Brick – 24/09/14
What can be done with the humble Lego brick that has never been done before? That’s what you might wonder, as new exhibition “The Art of the Brick” rolls into town. But artist Nathan Sawaya has managed to create something … Continue reading
The Bucket and Spade List Part 9 – RAF Museum
We are 75% of the way through this list. And summer’s not over yet, no no. Just because it was dark this morning and Roo’s back at school and I’ve just written a post about Christmas…none of that means I … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums), Uncategorized
Tagged aeroplanes, cafes, coffee, museums, North London
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Sensing Spaces – 02/04/14
I’m a little late to the party on this one, and I hate being late to parties (unless it’s the kind of party that takes a while to get going….you don’t want to be making awkward conversation right at the … Continue reading
From the Ground Up – 11/08/13
This might have been a bit of a treat for Nathan as well as Roo. Two boys, 70,000 pieces of Lego…how do you think it went? The event was a workshop at the Royal Academy of Arts, to tie in … Continue reading
National Maritime Museum – 18/05/13
It was International Museum Day yesterday. Did you remember? We did, cause we celebrate a lot of these kind of days. Over lunch we made the unlikely decision to go to Greenwich, so I could revisit the National Maritime Museum … Continue reading
The British Museum – 09/04/13
You’ll be surprised to know that this was the first time I’d taken Roo to visit the British Museum. We’d been there twice before but didn’t see a single exhibit either time. Pathetic, I know. The first time was a … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cafes, Central London, ice-cream, museums, shopping