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Monthly Archives: April 2023
Musical Theatre Rave – 02/04/23
OK, I’m finally ready to blog about Sunday night. It’s been a busy old week with the Globe on Monday, office and an overnight visitor on Tuesday, Twist Museum on Wednesday and trying to catch up on work on Thursday. … Continue reading
Posted in Reviewing the Situation
Tagged Central London, child-free, dancing, disco, musicals
1 Comment
Twist Museum – 05/04/23
I realise I still haven’t told you what I did on Sunday night – and I will tell you because it’s not often that I do anything remotely hip – but I have something else to tell you about. The … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged art, coffee, museum
1 Comment
“The Tempest” at the Globe – 03/04/23
I’ll start this post by saying that I am very, very tired today. I’ll explain the reason in a separate post because it definitely deserves a separate post but needless to say, it was a very tiring reason. But … Continue reading