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Monthly Archives: February 2016
Pantry & Co Giveaway!!
Now, those of you who don’t live in Highams Park may not have heard this particular piece of news, but for you local types there’s no excuse….unless you’ve been living under a rock. So, for the sole benefit of those … Continue reading
Big Fish Little Fish at the Mini Vault Festival
I hate to miss a party but we very nearly missed this one. It was just one of those days. Fretful children and parents nearly scuppered the whole party plan, which would have been a shame seeing as Eva had such … Continue reading
Rave-A Roo Giveaway – Winner Announced!
Hooray, it’s Friday and hooray I’ve just had a lovely coffee at a brand new deli. But more on that another time. First off, though, we have news about a different Friday. Friday 19th Feb in fact, when the kids … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged Big Fish Little Fish, disco, giveaway, South London