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Tag Archives: rainy day places
National Army Museum – 19/11/11
Hold your warhorses! It’s another tale of expectation and bitter disappointment. Well, not really..but being pregnant, I tend to take these things worse than I would otherwise do. Did I mention I was pregnant? Ah yeah, hence the lack of … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged horses, museums, rainy day places, soft play, war, West London
Museum of London – 05/10/11
I’ve been neglecting you. I’m sorry. We were so close at the start and our relationship was so happy but lately, I’ve just drifted off. Don’t take it to heart. I’ve put so much more love into your than my … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cafes, Central London, museums, rainy day places
Natural History Museum – 10/09/11
So, it was a certain boy’s birthday on Saturday and birthdays mean fun days out to see the dinosaurs! Yes, Nathan was 32 last week and very excited he was too. We’ve been meaning to go to the Natural History … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged dinosaurs, museums, rainy day places, West London
Bethnal Green-on-Sea and Museum of Childhood 17/08/11
I love the seaside. I really do. I once had a project where I had to go to the seaside once a month for a year. I love it that much. And you probably won’t get me blogging about the … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged cafes, dressing up, East London, museums, rainy day places, sandpits, toys
London Transport Museum – 07/08/11
Yeh! We did it! (As Roo would say). After a looong time of talking about it, we finally got round to going to the London Transport Museum. I was put off by the price for ages (£13.50 per adult) but … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged buses, Central London, choo-choo!, museums, rainy day places, trains
A round-up of South London soft plays
You know what a soft play is. They’re the things that knacker your toddler out but you as well, they make your hair static and if your toddler is wearing Primark trousers, it makes them static too. I have learnt … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at exercise (leisure centres)
Tagged rainy day places, soft play, South London
Royal Festival Hall
This is another London-Mother staple. It’s fairly central, easy to get to and they don’t mind you sitting there for hours without buying anything. But they also have a cafe (and a bar!) selling tea and coffee, a soup and … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering....
Tagged cafes, coffee, rainy day places, South London, southbank centre
Science Museum – 19/05/11
OK, so this subject has probably been blogged to oblivion but let’s get this straight. I L O V E T H E S C I E N C E M U S E U M!!!!!!!!! Always have … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged museums, rainy day places, science, soft play, water play, West London
Imperial War Museum
War HUH! What is it good for? Rainy afternoons, yeah…! This is another one of our frequent, local fixes. Considering I am broadly a pacificist, this child is going to grow up knowing a lot about the glory of war. … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at culture (museums)
Tagged coffee, museums, planes, rainy day places, South London, submarines, war