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Tag Archives: ice-cream
Diana Memorial Playground – 22/02/19
Ah, the curse of the working mother – having to fit the whole of half term into one day. That’s the way it worked out this term…the kids did three days of holiday club, one day of lazing around the … Continue reading
Lwat is 500- A Monopoly Special pt 3 (The Browns and Half the Stations)
As you might have gathered from the start of Part 2, our Monopoly game got delayed by 24 hours or so. You don’t need the details. But luckily we had Bank Holiday Monday as back-up time and we were gonna … Continue reading
Isle of Wight HighWights
Yes, it’s another exotic holiday for the LWAT family…we’ve just returned from a week on the island and it’s my pleasure to show you some of the interesting things we did. As you can tell, we were incredibly lucky with … Continue reading
Summer Holidays are Here!
We’re one day in and I’m sporting one motherhecker of a sunburn, thanks to a 4.5 hr session in Myatt’s Fields this afternoon. The water was on intermittently – I think it was between 12:30 and 2 then again 3-5 … Continue reading
Posted in Facts! And facts are important!
Tagged East London, ice-cream, museums, parks, South London, summer, water play, West London
Morden Hall Park – 07/08/15
If all kids rebel against their parents – which I expect they do – then mine will almost certainly develop a loathing for long, pointless journeys across London. We’ve had a couple of long trips to West London recently … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged ice-cream, parks, playground, South London, water play
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Brent Lodge Park – 27/07/15
This Summer, I am doing something brave. I am conquering my fear of West London. But I can’t do it alone. Thankfully, when I announced this on FaceBook, a kind family of West Londoners reached out to invite us over … Continue reading
Peckham Rye Adventure Playground – 26/05/15
Yesterday, it was sunny. Really sunny. The kind of day that leaves a vivid red mark on your shoulders with only a finger-shaped patch of white to show where you rubbed some of the kids’ sun cream off. I … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks)
Tagged cafes, cake, choo-choo!, coffee, ice-cream, parks, playground, South London
Pirate Playhouse – 27/10/14
The strangest thing has happened this half term – the sun is shining, the kids are being reasonably well-behaved and no-one has been sick since Friday night. Have we actually broken the half term curse that sees us sulking … Continue reading