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Category Archives: Reviewing the Situation
Ash vs The Subways at Kentish Town Forum – 11/10/23
Yes, we’ve been out doing childfree things again. On a school night as well! I know, it’s crazy talk and I am definitely Feeling It two days later but it was fun at the time and don’t worry, I have … Continue reading
“The Tempest” at Unicorn Theatre – 23/09/23
This is the second child-friendly production of The Tempest that Eva and I have seen this year so do forgive me if I in any way repeat myself . There are similarities but today’s show certainly had a few … Continue reading
“Romeo and Juliet” by East London Shakespeare Festival – 22/07/23
Another week, another outdoor Shakespeare in the rain. Last week’s productions in Stratford-Upon-Avon did their best to rain on us and drown the actors’ voices out with howling winds but this week’s production really did bring on the tempest. We’re … Continue reading
Blur at Wembley – 09/07/23
It probably seems like everyone you know, who is of a certain age, went to see Blur at Wembley last week. Well, we did too. I’d had terrible FOMO when all my friends seem to be at Pulp the week … Continue reading
“The Wolves in the Walls” at Little Angel Theatre – 20/05/23
We have a bit of history with this particular production. When I received the invite, I had a weird feeling of deja vu and when I checked back, my suspicions were confirmed – we were due to go and see … Continue reading
Musical Theatre Rave – 02/04/23
OK, I’m finally ready to blog about Sunday night. It’s been a busy old week with the Globe on Monday, office and an overnight visitor on Tuesday, Twist Museum on Wednesday and trying to catch up on work on Thursday. … Continue reading
Posted in Reviewing the Situation
Tagged Central London, child-free, dancing, disco, musicals
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“The Tempest” at the Globe – 03/04/23
I’ll start this post by saying that I am very, very tired today. I’ll explain the reason in a separate post because it definitely deserves a separate post but needless to say, it was a very tiring reason. But … Continue reading
“Buffy Revamped” at Wilton’s Music Hall – 13/01/23
Happy New Year! It’s not been a very exciting January (is it ever?) but I knew we had something fun lined up for last night as we had Nathan’s Christmas present to go to. It might have been a bit … Continue reading
“Mother Goose” at Hackney Empire – 04/12/22
Although my kids are well versed in family theatre shows, I’m not sure how often they’ve been to proper full-length pantomimes. I know Reuben saw one in Winchester but Eva had to be taken out halfway through because the giant … Continue reading
“Jack!” at Chickenshed – 30/11/22
I have a confession to make and some of you will have figured it out already. I know the blog is called “London With a Toddler” but I don’t actually possess a toddler any more. I mentioned a few posts … Continue reading