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Category Archives: Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Oxygen Freejumping – 05/07/23
I’ve been blogging like a demon recently. Maybe because after a week of the school holidays my brain will be so sludgy that I can no longer form words beyond….”GIVEMECOFFFFFEEEEE”. But I have something to tell you about and, unlike … Continue reading
A Shakespearean Jaunt Part 2 – 16/07/23
My powers of self-control are as good as ever and I managed to ramble on for a thousand words about just one day in Stratford-Upon-Avon. So I cut it off and here’s your Part 2. I know…you’ve been on tenterhooks. … Continue reading
A Shakespearean Jaunt Part 1 – 15/07/23
A few years ago I was reading “The Swish of the Curtain” to Eva and we both enjoyed the chapter where the Bishop takes the Blue Doors to Stratford Upon Avon and Maddie scandalises the dining room by telling everyone … Continue reading
AquaSplash – 11/06/23
It’s taken me two weeks to write about this but somehow my arm muscles are still aching so I’ve had a constant reminder that it is something I need to write about. It’s also a constant reminder that I need … Continue reading
The Most Matilda Weekend
Ever since the movie version of “Matilda: The Musical” came out earlier this year, Eva has been kind of obsessed with it. So for her birthday, I promised to take her and CousinZ to the theatre show. It was only … Continue reading
Twist Museum – 05/04/23
I realise I still haven’t told you what I did on Sunday night – and I will tell you because it’s not often that I do anything remotely hip – but I have something else to tell you about. The … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged art, coffee, museum
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A Day in Sweden – 17/02/23
OK, here’s the misleading second post I promised you. We didn’t actually spend a day in Sweden – it was pretty much just a morning in Sweden. But it matched the last post so there’s that consistency you’re looking for. … Continue reading
Posted in Creating precious childhood memories or something (days out)
Tagged art, choo-choo!, coffee, Sweden
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Ice Rink Canary Wharf – 17/12/22
If you’ve followed this blog for a while you’ll know that we always try to have a Nice Family Day Out just before Christmas. I have choir gigs throughout late November and early December so as soon as those are … Continue reading
Festival of the Girl – 09/10/22
Festival of the Girl is something I’ve been meaning to check out for ages. The last two years have, by necessity, been online so Eva got the pack in the post and kinda dipped in and out of the activities … Continue reading