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Monthly Archives: October 2024
“Dr Strangelove” at Noel Coward Theatre – 22/10/24
Wow, we have been ever so stage-y this half term. Macbeth last Friday evening, Musical Con on Saturday and yesterday Eva and her BFF went to see “Heathers” in Oxford. I’m not reviewing that one because I was in the … Continue reading
Musical Con – 19/10/24
I might have dropped some hints on this blog about what a musicals nerd I am. I don’t know – maybe it was the wandering all over Salzburg in search of a doorway that featured in the “Do Re Mi” … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
“Macbeth” at the Harold Pinter Theatre – 18/10/24
A few minutes ago I wasn’t sure whether I’d ever mentioned my love of David Tennant on this blog but I’ve now done a keyword search and yes, I think I have mentioned it. So I probably don’t need to … Continue reading
City Coffee and Chicken Row
As you may have discerned, I’ve gone through a break up. Breaking up is hard to do, especially when kids are involved, and I know that Eva is missing her regular cheesecake pots already. But let me be clear – … Continue reading
“Festival of the Girl” – 05/10/24
This is our third year at the Festival and Eva’s at the top end of the age range – something I didn’t think about until I realised that one of her classmates from primary school had been promoted to helper … Continue reading