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Monthly Archives: October 2023
I Just Want to Tell You How I’m Feeling…..
Tired. But that’s not the main point of this post. In fact, there are a few things I want to tell you about but don’t worry, we’ll come back to the post title eventually. First though, let me tell you … Continue reading
Epping to Ongar Ghost Train – 26/10/23
It’s been another busy day. I only had one day off work over half term so needed to max it out with something that was fun, autumnal and Halloweeny. I’ve never been particularly into Halloween but my pagan children are, … Continue reading
Festival of the Girl – 21/10/23
It’s been a big old day so forgive me if I start falling asleep midway through this post. We started with brunch at My Favourite Cafe in Essex Road, which has indeed become something of a favourite of ours. We … Continue reading
LWAT is 777! 7 Special Things
Back in May 2021, I marked the 700th post on the blog by listing 7 incredible things. It being in ThoseaDays, the incredible things were all about actually leaving the house for once and eating Disappointing Wasabi at Liverpool Street. … Continue reading
Posted in Just wandering...., Uncategorized
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Ash vs The Subways at Kentish Town Forum – 11/10/23
Yes, we’ve been out doing childfree things again. On a school night as well! I know, it’s crazy talk and I am definitely Feeling It two days later but it was fun at the time and don’t worry, I have … Continue reading