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Monthly Archives: August 2020
I’m Calling Time on Parental Guilt
Every parent knows about parental guilt. It’s handed out in the postnatal ward, along with the Bounty pack. It consumes you when they’re a newborn, hits your last nerve during the toddler-antics phase and reaches previously undiscovered depths as … Continue reading
A Harwich Holiday
It’s been a year of Plan Bs, hasn’t it? And none more so than in the holiday arena. Our trip to Italy at Easter was cancelled, so we took a very cautious approach to the back-up plan….low-key, localish and isolated. Cheap … Continue reading
Legoland – 08/08/20
Well, this is a bit different to the life we’ve been leading for the last few months. A day out at a theme park you say? That’s not in Chingford? How very extreme. I’ll admit I was a little nervous … Continue reading
Kitchener Park – 05/08/20
You know when you visit somewhere in your dreams and then, years later, try to find it in real life? Well, that’s what I thought Kitchener Park was like. Somewhere I dreamt up years ago that doesn’t exist. Certainly, Google … Continue reading
Posted in Token attempts at fresh air (parks), Uncategorized
Tagged East London, parks, playground
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Covid-Safe Swimming – 04/08/20
Just how safe is Covid-safe swimming? Probably very. How easy is Covid-safe swimming? Err, not very. Let’s start at the start, which is round about April-ish. Roo and I were walking to the corner shop for our only possible … Continue reading