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Monthly Archives: January 2013
Seussical the Musical
This was always going to be a risky one. Back in November-time, I got a Groupon offer for “Seussical – the Musical”. I’ve never actually bought a Groupon offer before, so had no idea how quickly they sold out. It … Continue reading
Your London With a Toddler
This is Roo with his friend Luke, formerly a London Toddler, now a Harrogate Preschooler. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it…Anyway, it’s good to be friends, hey boys? And in that spirit, I’m inviting any random bloggers out … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Greenwich with a Tiddler
This’ll be a brief one cause it’s sort of skirting round the edge of other posts if that makes any sense. It makes no sense. I don’t think I’m capable of making sense any more. I have just started writing … Continue reading